Say Yes

“Yes” is a wonderfully energetic word not simply due to its implied positivity but because it has a wide range of intended meanings associated with it. It is amongst the most simple words in our vernacular but with the most complicated array of usages and intentions. When I discuss my personal passion for mastering the “Letting go” process and embracing the liberating freedom of surrender, I am NOT saying that I in any way wish to be taken advantage of or used in a way that violates my boundaries, safety and personal dignity. Saying yes as I’m referencing in this blog is simply affirming the possibility that there is MORE out there for us and something NEW that we haven’t yet experienced but would like to.

For the men that I work with, I believe that saying yes to themselves frankly means embracing that they believe they are WORTH MORE than they might have been willing to concede earlier. By saying yes, you are FINALLY choosing to believe that you are more interesting, complex, soulful and relevant than you thought you might have been before. A major reason that I have a passion for life coaching men is because I believe that men oftentimes limit themselves to the point of feeling repressed, stunted, and even lost as human beings. Who am I? What is my role in this world/family/friends group/society? There are such important questions to address and only through a willingness to say NO to staying stuck and hidden in the shadows can we say YES to the amazing diversity of possibilities for what may be! Let the future by brighter than the past by saying an unapologetic and nonjudgmental YES to yourself!


Change for the Better